Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Baby Food, Inc.

On Sunday, I spent the day with Lisa and made baby food for our little boys. It was so much fun. I don't know why I never did this with my other two guys! It was much easier than I had imagined. Here is Lisa's post with pictures.

Could be an exciting business adventure?!?

Thank you again Lisa for showing me the ropes and how fun and rewarding it can be to make homemade babyfood. Now I just wish I had a bigger freezer!


  1. That is SO cool!! Looks pretty tasty as well : )
    So, did you just puree it, then? I've never made my own baby food, and now Im curious...

  2. It was SO much fun... hopefully your VitaMix is working again :) And many people have mentioned that we start our own baby food business... imagine how many VitaMixes and food processors we'd need, but at least our boys would be well fed as the official taste-testers! ;-)
