Friday, July 10, 2009

Gifts 2

It's here! And ready for pre-sale at Woodbine House and Amazon.

I cannot wait to get my hands on this. I cannot wait to read it cover to cover. We are contributing authors in the book so we are especially excited to see it in print.

Gifts, the first book, was a life saving book for me in the early days of receiving Joaquin's diagnosis. I truly believe that reading Gifts helped move me quickly out of the grieving process and into complete joy and anticipation. We honestly feel that Joaquin is a GIFT and the book certainly was a gift as well.

To be able to give back to other families now in Gifts 2 is an honor. We are so proud of Kathryn Soper's work in collecting the stories and publishing these amazing books...these amazing GIFTS.

Don't you just love the cover photo?


  1. I do love the cover photo and I think the orange is very cheery. Congrats to you and your family on being contributors to the book. I know your story will touch many hearts. I'm so glad to know you!

  2. Great accomplishment to be in a book! We should all read it for SPG Book Club!!

  3. Looking forward to reading your story! My mom is also a contributing author. She wrote about Rylie. I'm so excited about this book.

  4. this is so exciting! I cannot wait to read it...especially your contribution!

  5. Looking forward to reading it!

  6. Yeah! I can't wait to read it...and will smile big when I get to your story! :)

    We just got back today from a camping trip to the Sequoia's...yesterday by the river we met and got to talking to a wonderful family...the mom happened to be an OB in Los Angeles. I asked her if she had delivered a baby with Down syndrome. She hadn't, not yet, so I told her to please remember the name of the book Gifts and when the occasion arose to please find a copy for that family and reassure them that their child is such a celebration and truly a gift. She gave me a hug and thanked me...she had no idea this book existed and was glad to know a way to reach out and comfort her patients.

  7. We are so excited for this book too! My father-in-law wrote a story about our Brayden...this is awesome to know other families that are going to be in the book...we are getting our pre-order in as well...:)
