hello, my name is Michelle and I saw you (Jen) today at the twelve bridges park. I was having a hard day thinking of my miscarriage and how I would be having the baby any day if nothing had happened. Your little joaquin looked at me and gave me a beautiful smile that just melted my heart. I heard you call out Sofia's name and something rang a bell. I thought maybe I had read an article about you guys on kidaround. I went home and looked you up! How amazing that little Sofia is now with you guys! You guys were a ray of sunshine in my sad day. I know God sent you guys to that park today, and He showed his love to me through your angels!
Some of you know about the GQ fiasco that happened recently. I did my part and sent a letter to the editor expressing my opinion and telling him I won't be patronizing his magazine anymore unless they made things right. I've been a subscriber for many years and I asked them to issue a public apology and write an article or have special coverage on Down syndrome. How about Joaquin on the cover? I understand that as part of the Down syndrome community I am constantly on edge about insensitive remarks and the use of the "R" word, but my outrage about what was printed goes beyond sensitivity. It was probably the worst insult I've ever heard. It would take me a thousand pages to describe how wrong it was, but I'm over it. It is obvious that the guy who wrote it has never known someone with Down syndrome. Or perhaps he is plain and simple an insensitive asshole.
Joaquin and Sofia's story along with all the beautiful children of The Sisterhood and the many more we are blessed to know are changing lives one smile at a time.
And now some eye candy...